2024 |
336) G. Ganguly, L. González
Marcus Theory Insights into the Challenges of Using Iron (Fe) as a Replacement for Ruthenium (Ru) in Molecular Solar–Thermal (MOST) Fuel
Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (MTIC) 2024, IIT-KGP (India), 14.12.2024 - 17.12.2024
335) L. van Dam, P. Lechner, J. Dietschreit, L. González
From PXX to Metal-Organic Frameworks: Current Computational Approaches for Photocatalysts and Future Perspectives
1st MECS Booster, Waidhofen an der Ybbs (Austria), 21.10.2024 - 24.10.2024
334) L. Grünewald, S. Mai
Coupling Simulations of Spatiotemporal Electromagnetic Fields with Simulations of Ultrafast Photoinduced Dynamics
11th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP 2024), Qingdao (China), 13.10.2024 - 18.10.2024
333) S. Tippner, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Manganese-Vanadium Water Oxidation Catalyst embedded in a Soft Matter Environment
International CataLysis Networking Conference 2024 , Vienna (Austria), 24.09.2024 - 26.09.2024
332) M. Malagarriga, L. González
Binding Modes of a Flexible Ruthenium Polypyridyl Complex to DNA
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
331) D. Farkhutdinova, S. Mai, L. González
Which Vibrations Drive the Ultrafast Spin-Crossover Dynamics of an Iron(III) Complex?
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
330) R. Jacobi, L. González
How the Shapes of a Three-Way DNA Junction Influence the Energy Transfer Efficiency in DNA-Liposome Hybrid Materials
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
329) H. G. Gallmetzer, E. Sangiogo Gil, S. Mai, L. González
Efficient Photodynamic Simulations of a Photoswitchable Selective Serotonin Inhibitor
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
328) U. Rossoni, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Exploring the Pathways of Non-Radiative Ground State Recovery in Iridium Complexes via Metal-Centered Excited States
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
327) F-L. Sun, L. González
Mechanism of CO2 Reduction Reaction on Metal-Organic Chalcogenolate Assemblies
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
326) L. Grünewald, S. Mai, L. González
Simulations of Ultrafast Photoinduced Dynamics with Tailored Electromagnetic Fields
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
325) S. Mausenberger, T. Piteša, S. Mai , L. González
Excitonic Models: Quantum Chemistry for Big Systems Made Cheap
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
324) M. X. Tiefenbacher, B. Bachmair, S. Mai, J. Dietschreit, J. Westermayr
Excited state simulation with explicit solvent made possible by machine learning
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
323) R. Jingar, S. Mai
Accurate and efficient multi-reference electronics Structure calculations for Ln3+ ions using selected spin- orbit coupling interaction
4th International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
322) P. Lechner, N. Meitinger, S. Rau, L. González
Investigating Emission and Triplet State Interactions in [Ru(tbbpy)2(N-HSB)]2+
19th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Sveti Martin na Muri (Croatia), 11.09.2024 - 14.09.2024
321) B. Bachmair, J. Mannouch, S. Mai, J. Dietschreit, C. Dellago, L. González
Roadmap to enhanced path sampling for photoreactions
19th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Sveti Martin na Muri (Croatia), 11.09.2024 - 14.09.2024
320) S. Polonius, D. Farkhutdinova, L. González, S. Mai
Hybrid Vibronic Coupling/molecular Mechanics (VC/MM) and its Application to Surface Hopping Dynamics
60th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany), 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
319) M. Malagarriga, L. González
This is Non-covalent Binding of a Flexible Ruthenium Polypyridyl Complex to DNA: A Molecular Dynamics Study
60th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Braunschweig (Germany), 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
318) D. Farkhutdinova, S. Mitra, S. Mai, R. J. Dwayne Miller, L. González
Exploring Ultrafast Spin-Crossover Dynamics in Iron(III) Compound
60th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Braunschweig (Germany), 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
317) B. Bachmair, J. Dietschreit, L. González, C Dellago
Nonadiabatic Transition Path Sampling
60th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Braunschweig (Germany), 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
316) H. G. Gallmetzer, E. Sangiogo Gil, S. Mai, L. González
Exploring Photodynamics in Complex Environments through Semi-Empirical Methods
60th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Braunschweig (Germany), 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
315) U. Rossoni, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Non-Radiative Excited-State Deactivation of Iridium Complexes
60th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Braunschweig (Germany), 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
314) J. Haberhauer, S. Mai, L. González, C. Hättig
Investigations of a PLATICT system
60th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Braunschweig (Germany), 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
313) B. Maryasin, L. González, N. Maulide
Density Functional Theory for Organic Chemistry: Tackling the Challenges of Small and Large Molecules
20th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications (DFT2024), Paris (France), 25.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
312) B. Maryasin, L. González, N. Maulide
Clarifying Catalytic Processes in Modern Organic Synthesis via Calculations: A Zoo of Large and Small Molecules
ACS Publications Symposium: Catalysis for Organic Synthesis, Vienna (Austria), 31.07.2024 - 01.08.2024
311) R. Jacobi, L. González
The Importance of the Molecular Representation in Energy Transfer Predictions
Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions (Gordon Research Conference), Rhode Island (USA), 28.07.2024 - 02.08.2024
310) R. Jacobi, L. González
Computation of the Energy Transfers in DNA-liposome Hybrid Materials
CataLight lecture tour, USA, 20.07.2024 - 27.07.2024
309) E. Gangrskaia, A. Bellissimo, V. Shumakova, S. Pulikottil Alex, I. Bugár, L. Grünewald, S. Mai, T. Schachinger, D. Pysz, R. Buczyński, A. Baltuška, A. Pugžlys
Generation of Ultrafast Magnetic Fields with Spectrally Tunable Vector Beams for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Eu3+ Ions
The 23rd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena , Barcelona (Spain) , 15.07.2024 - 19.07.2024
308) D. Farkhutdinova, S. Mitra, S. Mai, R. J. Dwayne Miller, L. González
Unraveling Ultrafast Spin-Crossover Dynamics In an Iron(III) Compound
4th Frontiers in Photochemistry Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 10.07.2024 - 13.07.2024
307) E. Gangrskaia, A. Bellissimo, V. Shumakova, S. Pulikottil Alex, I. Bugár, L. Grünewald, S. Mai, T. Schachinger, D. Pysz, R. Buczyński, A. Baltuška, A. Pugžlys
Generation of Pulsed Isolated Magnetic Fields for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Eu3+
22nd International Conference on Magnetism, Bologna (Italy) , 30.06.2024 - 05.07.2024
306) M. Malagarriga, L. González
Exploring Binding Interactions of a Ruthenium(II) Complex and DNA: Insights from Computer Simulations
I Conference ACERA “Scientific Communication“, Vienna (Austria), 14.06.2024
305) R. Jacobi, P. Lechner, M. Malagarriga, U. Rossoni, S. Tippner, T. Piteša, L. González
Computational Approaches to Photocatalysis in Solution and Soft-Matter Environments
CataLight Symposium, Ulm (Germany), 04.06.2024 - 06.06.2024
304) S. Sršeň, J. Dietschreit
Smooth Sailing in Rough Waters of Excited States with Machine Learning
13th Congress on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications (ESPA 2024), Tarragona (Spain), 03.06.2024 - 07.06.2024
303) R. Jingar, S. Mai
Accurate and efficient multi-reference electronic structure calculations with spin-orbit couplings for lanthanide ions
13th Congress on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications (ESPA 2024), Tarragona (Spain), 03.06.2024 - 07.06.2024
302) P. Lechner, M, Malagarriga, T. Piteša, H. G. Gallmetzer, L. van Dam
Verständnis und Vorhersage molekularer Eigenschaften durch quanten-klassischer Mechanik
Lange Nacht der Forschung, Vienna (Austria), 24.05.2024
301) S. Sršeň, J. Dietschreit
The Bright Side of Machine Learning: From Ground- to Excited-State Applications
Chemical Compound Space Conference (CCSC 2024), Heidelberg (Germany), 21.05.2024 - 24.05.2024
300) M. X. Tiefenbacher, B. Bachmair, S. Mai, J. Dietschreit, J. Westermayr
Excited state ML/MM dynamics with electrostatic embedding
Chemical Compound Space Conference (CCSC 2024), Heidelberg (Germany), 21.05.2024 - 24.05.2024
299) D. Farkhutdinova, S.Mai, L. González
Resolving the Nuclear Dynamics of Photoexcited [Ru(bpy)3]2+ in Solution
Inaugural Symposium of the Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy, Regensburg (Germany), 06.05.2024 - 08.05.2024
298) E. Gangrskaia, A. Bellissimo, V. Shumakova, S. Pulikottil Alex, I. Bugár, L. Grünewald, S. Mai, T. Schachinger, D. Pysz, R. Buczyński, A. Baltuška, A. Pugžlys
Spatially and Spectrally Selective Excitation of Magnetic Dipole Transitions in Eu3+ Doped Yttrium Oxide
CLEO 2024: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Charlotte, North Carolina (United States), 05.05.2024 - 10.05.2024
297) F-L. Sun, P. Lechner, J. Dietschreit, L. González
Ab Initio Modelling of Heterogenous (Photo)Catalysis
MECS Kick-Off Meeting, Vienna (Austria), 03.05.2024
296) T. Piteša, L. van Dam, F. Alemu Korsaye, U. Rossoni, L. González
Modelling of Photocatalysis in Molecular Multichromophoric Systems
MECS Kick-Off Meeting, Vienna (Austria), 03.05.2024
295) R. Jacobi, L. González
Structural Properties of a DNA-based Light-harvesting System
COST/MECS Conference, Vienna (Austria), 03.04.2024 - 05.04.2024
294) E. Gangrskaia, A. Bellissimo, V. Shumakova, S. Pulikottil Alex, I. Bugár, L. Grünewald, S. Mai, T. Schachinger, D. Pysz, R. Buczyński, A. Baltuška, A. Pugžlys
Spectrally Selective Excitation of Electric Dipole and Magnetic Dipole Transitions in Eu3+Y2O3 Nanostructures
High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena (HILAS 2024), Vienna (Austria), 12.03.2024 - 14.03.2024
293) R. Jacobi, L. González
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Three-way DNA Junction
1st ViRAPID Workshop, Vienna (Austria), 26.02.2024 - 29.02.2024
292) L. Grünewald, S. Mai
Non-adiabatic Molecular Dynamics Coupled to External Electromagnetic Field Simulations
1st ViRAPID Workshop, Vienna (Austria), 26.02.2024 - 29.02.2024
291) B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, C. Dellago, L. González
Illuminating Rare Pathways in Electronically Excited States: The Use of Nonadiabatic Forward Flux Sampling for Ammonia Photodissociation
1st ViRAPID Workshop, Vienna (Austria), 26.02.2024 - 29.02.2024
290) S. Polonius, L. González, S. Mai
Elucidating Time-dependent Nonadiabatic Three-dimensional Solute—solvent Dynamics via Surface Hopping Simulations
1st ViRAPID Workshop, Vienna (Austria), 26.02.2024 - 29.02.2024
289) D. Vörös, F. Proché, S. Mai, L. González
Glass-Induced Photophysical Changes on a Push-Pull Functionalized Stilbene
1st ViRAPID Workshop, Vienna (Austria), 26.02.2024 - 29.02.2024
288) S. Mausenberger, C. Müller, J. Westermayr, P. Marquetand
Bringing Equivariance to Neural Networks for Excited States
1st ViRAPID Workshop, Vienna (Austria), 26.02.2024 - 29.02.2024
287) S. Sršeň, O. A. von Lilienfeld, P. Slavíček
Excited States and Machine Learning: A Love-Hate Story
1st ViRAPID Workshop, Vienna (Austria), 26.02.2024 - 29.02.2024
286) S. Mausenberger, S. Polonius, T. Piteša, L. González, S. Mai
Restructuring the SHARC Package: Building a Suite of Modular Quantum Chemistry Interfaces for Photoinduced Dynamics
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
285) R. Jacobi, L. González
Structural Properties of a Three-way DNA Junction
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
284) L. Grünewald, S. Mai
Sharc Can Now Wield Lasers! Pioneering Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Coupled to Simulations of Electromagnetic Fields
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
283) M. Malagarriga, L. González
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Binding Modes between a Ruthenium(II) Complex Photosensitizer and DNA
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
282) H. G. Gallmetzer, S. Mai, L. González
Interfacing SHARC and MNDO Packages to Simulate Organic Photochemistry Using the Semiempirical OM2 Method
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
281) B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, C. Dellago, L. González
Illuminating Rare Pathways: Computational Insights into NH3 Photodissociation Dynamics
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
280) S. Polonius, L. González, S. Mai
A Matter of Perspective: Resolving the Three-dimensional Femto-second Solvent Relaxation in Thiocarbonyls through Nonadiabatic Dynamics Simulations
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
279) D. Vörös, F. Proché, S. Mai, L. González
Exploring How Molecules Interact with Surfaces: A Study of Push-Pull Functionalized Stilbene on Silica Glass
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
278) M. X. Tiefenbacher, N. Singer, J. Dietschreit, S. Axelrod, R. Gómez-Bombarelli, L. González
Computation of thermal relaxation times of arylazopyrazoles using neural network potentials
DoSChem Panel A Retreat, Szidónia castle (Hungary), 19.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
2023 |
277) U. Rossoni, T. Piteša, L. González
Modelling of Photocatalysts and Photosensitizers for Energy Conversion
COE MECS Science Day , Vienna (Austria), 15.11.2023
276) D. Vörös, F. Proché, A. Angeletti, C. Franchini, S. Mai, L. González
Revealing the Sunset Dance of a Push-Pull Stilbene on an Amorphous Silica Glass Surface
VDSP Science Day, Vienna (Austria), 17.10.2023
275) R. Jacobi, L. González
Energy Transfer in Orthogonally arranged Chromophores
1st Conference on Light Induced Transformations (LIT 23), Regensburg (Germany), 04.10.2023 - 06.10.2023
274) N. K. Singer, K. Schlögl, J. P. Zobel, M. D. Mihovilovic, L. González
Investigating Photoswitchable Drugs: The Effect of para-Substitution on the Thermal Z/E-Isomerization Mechanism of Arylazopyrazoles
MolTag Closing Conference, Vienna (Austria), 25.09.2023 - 26.09.2023
273) D. Hernández-Castillo, R. Jacobi, M. Malagarriga, S. Tippner, T. Piteša, L. González
Computational Approaches to Photocatalysis in Solution and Soft-Matter Environments
CataLight Symposium, Jena (Germany), 25.09.2023 - 27.09.2023
272) M. X. Tiefenbacher, J. Dietschreit, S. Axelrod, R. Gómez-Bombarelli, L. González
Estimating thermal isomerization half- lives of arylazopyrazole photoswitches using neural network potentials
MolTag Closing Conference, Vienna (Austria), 25.09.2023 - 26.09.2023
271) S. Tippner, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Crafting Soft-Matter Confining Environments: In Silico Studies of pDMAEMA Membranes
Training School COST-COSY of the Cost Action CA21101, Belgrade (Serbia), 19.09.2023 - 22.09.2023
270) L. Grünewald, R. Martín-Hernández, E. Gangrskaia, A. Bellissimo, C. Hernández-García, S. Mai
Magnetic-only Optical Spectroscopy with Ultrafast Laser Pulses
AttoChem Young Scientist Symposium 2023, Vienna (Austria), 13.09.2023 - 15.09.2023
269) E. Gangrskaia, L. Zhou, V. Shumakova, A. Bellissimo, H. Hu, E. Kaksis, L. Grünewald, S. Mai, A. Baltuška, A. Pugžlys
Generation of Isolated Strong Transient Magnetic Fields for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy
AttoChem Young Scientist Symposium 2023, Vienna, (Austria) , 13.09.2023 - 15.09.2023
268) S. Polonius, L. González, S. Mai
LVC/MM: Combining Linear Vibronic Coupling Models with Molecular Mechanics using Distributed Multipole-based Electrostatic Embedding
59th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich (Switzerland), 11.09.2023 - 14.09.2023
267) S. Mausenberger, S. Polonius, T. Piteša, L. González, S. Mai
A Family of Object-oriented Quantum Chemical Interfaces for the SHARC Package
59th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich (Switzerland), 11.09.2023 - 14.09.2023
266) S. Polonius, L. González, S. Mai
Highly Efficient Photoinduced Solute-Solvent Dynamics via Linear Vibronic Coupling Model Potentials with Explicit Solvation
59th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich (Switzerland), 11.09.2023 - 14.09.2023
265) E. Gangrskaia, L. Zhou, V. Shumakova, A. Bellissimo, H. Hu, E. Kaksis, L. Grünewald, S. Mai, A. Baltuška, A. Pugžlys
Generation of Isolated Strong Transient Magnetic Fields for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy
European School on Magnetism 2023, Madrid, Spain (Online) , 04.09.2023 - 15.09.2023
264) N. K. Singer, K. Schlögl, J. P. Zobel, M. D. Mihovilovic, L. González
The Role of the Triplet States in the Thermal Z/E-Isomerization of Arylazo-1,3,5-Trimethylpyrazole
European Computational and Theoretical Conference (CompChem 2023), Thessaloniki (Greece), 27.08.2023 - 31.08.2023
263) S. Polonius, L. González, S. Mai
Nonadiabatic Dynamics in Solution using Linear Vibronic Voupling Models
European Computational and Theoretical Conference (CompChem 2023), Thessaloniki (Greece), 27.08.2023 - 31.08.2023
262) S. Sršeň, O. A. von Lilienfeld, P. Slavíček
Smooth Sailing in Rough Waters of Excited States: A Data-Based Approach
European Computational and Theoretical Conference (CompChem 2023), Thessaloniki (Greece), 27.08.2023 - 31.08.2023
261) D. B. Zederkof, S. Polonius, K. B. Møller, M. M. Nielsen, K. Haldrup, L. González, S. Mai
Surface Hopping including Arbitrary Couplings in Solution: Applications of the Hybrid QM/MM and LVC/MM Approaches
The 15th Femtochemistry Conference (FEMTO 15), Berlin (Germany), 30.07.2023 - 04.08.2023
260) B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand, C. Dellago, L. González
Rare Event Sampling for Nonadiabatic Dynamics: Computational Exploration of Reactive Pathways in Acetaldehyde Photodissociation
The 15th Femtochemistry Conference (FEMTO 15), Berlin (Germany), 30.07.2023 - 04.08.2023
259) J. P. Zobel, A. Wernbacher, L. González
Reverse Intersystem Crossing in Carbene-Metal-Amide TADF Emitters
25th International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds, Ulm (Germany), 25.07.2023 - 29.07.2023
258) D. Farkhutdinova, J. P. Zobel, O. S. Bokareva, L. González
RASSCF Description for Excited States of Iron (III) Complexes
25th International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds, Ulm (Germany), 25.07.2023 - 29.07.2023
257) R. Jacobi, L. González
Topological Investigations of Photocatalytically Active CoTTP in Phospholipid Bilayers using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
25th International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds, Ulm (Germany), 25.07.2023 - 29.07.2023
256) S. Tippner, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Computational Construction of pDMAEMA Membranes: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
ISPPCC 2023, Ulm (Germany), 25.07.2023 - 29.07.2023
255) N. Meitinger, L. Zedler, P. Marquetand, S. Knoll, D. Kowalczyk, S.B. Beil, D. Nauroozi, E. Hofmeister, M. Wächtler, B. Dietzek, L. González, C. Streb, D. Ziegenbal, M. Von Delius, S. Rau
Red Light Photocatalytic Oxidative Coupling of Benzylamine with Molecular Oxygen Using a Ru(II) Polypyridyl Complex Bearing an N-doped HBC ligand
ySPPCC, Ulm (Germany), 23.07.2023 - 25.07.2023
254) M. Oppel, L. Lindenbauer, L. Freitag, L. González
A DMRG-SCF based study of a CO and NO releasing compound with potential pharmaceutical application
9th Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics, Cetraro (Italy), 16.07.2023 - 20.07.2023
253) N. K. Singer, K. Schlögl, J. P. Zobel, M. D. Mihovilovic, L. González
Calculating the Thermal Z/E-Isomerization of Arylazo-pyrazoles: Not Without the Triplet States
3rd International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 06.07.2023 - 07.07.2023
252) D. Farkhutdinova, J. P. Zobel, O. S. Bokareva, L. González
Multi-configuration Self-consistent Field Methods for Excited States of Iron (III) Complexes
3rd International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 06.07.2023 - 07.07.2023
251) S. Tippner, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Exploring Hierarchically Ordered Soft Matter Structures: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
3rd International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 06.07.2023 - 07.07.2023
250) D. Vörös, F. Proché, A. Angeletti, C. Franchini, S. Mai, L. González
Exploring How Molecules Interact with Surfaces: A Study of Push-Pull Functionalized Stilbene on Silica Glass
3rd International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 06.07.2023 - 07.07.2023
249) R. Jingar, S. Mai
Computing Energies with Minimal Effort (for the Computer)
3rd International DoSChem Student Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 06.07.2023 - 07.07.2023
248) L. Grünewald, R. Martín-Hernández, E. Gangrskaia, V. Shumakova, C. Hernández-García, S. Mai
Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Ultrashort Optical Laser Pulses for Magnetic Field Enhancement and Electric Field Suppression
World of Photonics Congress 2023 - CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany), 26.06.2023 - 30.06.2023
247) D. Vörös, F. Proché, A. Angeletti, C. Franchini, S. Mai, L. González
Unveiling Surface Interactions of Push-Pull Functionalized Stilbene: Adsorption and Absorption on Silica Glass
17th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Bratislava (Slovakia), 26.06.2023 - 01.07.2023
246) M. M. Reiner, B. Bachmair, M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand, L. González, C. Dellago
Rare Event Sampling for Electronically Excited States: A Computational Study of Rare Photodissociation Channels in Gasphase Ammonia
17th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Bratislava (Slovakia), 26.06.2023 - 01.07.2023
245) T. Piteša, S. Polonius, S. Mai, L. González
Excitonic Configuration Interaction: Going Beyond the Frenkel Exciton Model
17th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Bratislava (Slovakia), 26.06.2023 - 01.07.2023
244) R. Jingar, S. Mai
Efficient and accurate relativistic ab initio calculations of electric and magnetic dipole transitions in Eu3+ complexes
17th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Bratislava (Slovakia), 26.06.2023 - 01.07.2023
243) B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand, C. Dellago, L. González
Sampling Reaction for Rare Photoreactions – the Case of Acetaldehyde
CECAM Psi-k Research Conference: Bridging length scales with machine learning: from wavefunctions to thermodynamics, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), 19.06.2023 - 23.06.2023
242) T. Piteša, S. Polonius, S. Mai, L. González
Excitonic Configuration Interaction: Going Beyond the Frenkel Exciton Model
The 11th OpenMolcas Developer's Workshop, Bologna (Italy), 14.06.2023 - 16.06.2023
241) R. Jingar, S. Mai
Low Budget, High Accuracy Computation of Energy Levels for Eu3+ Ions
The 11th OpenMolcas Developer's Workshop, Bologna (Italy), 14.06.2023 - 16.06.2023
240) M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Polonius, B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, S. Mai, P. Marquetand, M. Gastegger, J. Westermayr
Excited-state dynamics in explicit solvent molecules using machine learning
"Machine learing in chemistry. Are we there yet?" Conference, University of Maryland, Maryland (USA), 31.05.2023 - 02.06.2023
239) T. Piteša, S. Polonius, S. Mai, L. González
Excitonic Configuration Interaction
25th International Conference on the Jahn-Teller effect, (online event) York University (Canada), 14.05.2023 - 18.05.2023
238) D. A. Farkhutdinova, J. P. Zobel, L. González
Multiconfigurational Approaches to Investigate Electronic Structure of Open-shell Transition Metal Complexes
SPP Workshop Photochemistry of Metal Complexes: Theory Meets Experiment, Rostock (Germany), 29.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
237) D. Hernández-Castillo, R. Jacobi, S. Tippner, T. Piteša, L. González
Computational Approaches to Photocatalysis in Solution and Soft-Matter Environments
Catalight Spring School , Kloster Banz (Germany), 27.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
236) L. Grünewald, R. Martín-Hernández, E. Gangrskaia, C. Hernández-García, S. Mai
Simulations of Magnetic Field Enhancement and Electric Field Suppression with Nano-sized Metal Apertures
Panel A DoSChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
235) D. Hernández-Castillo, J. Brossete, L. González
Kinetics of the Water Oxidation Mechanism Catalized by a 7-Coordinated Ruthenium Catalyst
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
234) S. Tippner, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Computational Design of Block Copolymer Membranes: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
233) B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand, C. Dellago, L. González
Investigating Rare Photoreactions - Computations on Acetaldehyde
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
232) M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Polonius, B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, S. Mai, P. Marquetand
Excited-state Machine Learning/Molecular Mechanics (ML/MM) applied to Furan in Water
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
231) R. Jingar, S. Mai
Spin-Orbit Coupling in Europium (III) Ions Treated with Selective Quasi-Degenerate Perturbation Theory
Panel A DoSChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
230) D. A. Farkhutdinova, J. P. Zobel, L. González
Quantum Chemical Studies on the Electronic Structure of Iron(III) and Vanadium(II) Complexes
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
229) S. Polonius, L. González, S. Mai
When Monopoles are not enough: Taking the Restrained Electrostatic Potential Fit to the Multipolar Level
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
228) D. Vörös, F. Proché, A. Angeletti, C. Franchini, S. Mai, L. González
Understanding the role of amorphous SiO2 surface on the ad(b)sorption of a photoswitcher DANSing molecule
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
227) R. Jacobi, L. González
Impossible FRET: Tastes just like real FRET - How theoretical investigations make the impossible possible
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
226) S. Mausenberger, J. Westermayr, M. Gastegger, P. Marquetand
Bringing Equivariance to Neural Networks for Excited States
Panel A DosChem 2023 Retreat, Zeillern (Austria), 20.03.2023 - 22.03.2023
225) L. Grünewald, R. Martín-Hernández, E. Gangrskaia, V. Shumakova, C. Hernández-García, S. Mai
Simulations of Magnetic Field Enhancement and Electric Field Suppression in Ultrashort Optical Laser Pulses
DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (SAMOP), Hannover (Germany), 05.03.2023 - 10.03.2023
224) R. Meyrelles, P. Grant, J. Merad, T. Stopka, J. Sabbatani, A. Preinfalk, J. Matyasovsky, B. Maryasin, L. González, N. Maulide
Mechanistic Studies of the Stereodivergent Reaction Between Carbonyl Compounds and Sulfur Ylides
Joint Workshop on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur 2023, University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria), 27.02.2023 - 28.02.2023
223) B. Maryasin, D. Kaldre, M. Feng, I. Mosiagin, D. Kaiser, G. Di Mauro, S. Shaaban, O. Gajsek, R. Galaverna, I. Klose, S. Ruider, M. Drescher, H. Kählig, L. González, M. Eberlin, I. D. Jurberg, N. Maulide
The Magic of Rearrangements with Sulfoxides: In Silico Perspective
Joint Workshop on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur, Vienna (Austria), 27.02.2023 - 28.02.2023
2022 |
222) R. Jacobi, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Computational Approaches for Förster Resonance Energy Transfer in Lipid Bilayer Membranes
2nd Season, 2nd Workshop on Artificial Photosynthesis, (online event) Frankfurt (Germany), 03.11.2022
221) D. Hernández-Castillo, R. Jacobi, S. Tippner, L. González
Photocatalytic Components in Complex Environments
CataLight Kick-off Meeting, University of Jena, Jena (Germany), 03.10.2022 - 06.10.2022
220) M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand
Excited-State Dynamics of Furan in Explicit Solvent using Machine-Learned Potentials
MolTag Doctoral Program Retreat, Schloss Hernstein (Austria), 28.09.2022 - 29.09.2022
219) L. Schwiedrzik, L. González
Water Oxidation Activity Enhanced by Flexibility in a Polyoxometalate Cluster
19th Austrian Chemistry Days 2022: Green Chemistry for a Sustainable Europe, TU Vienna (Austria), 19.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
218) D. B. Zederkof, K. B. Møller, M. M. Nielsen, K. Haldrup, L. González, S. Mai
What Reacts Fastest — Electronic Structure, Nuclear Positions, or Solvent Shell? Resolving Ultrafast Nonadiabatic Dynamics in a Solvated Iron Complex
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
217) L. Grünewald, E. Gangrskaia, V. Shumakova, S. Mai
Particle-In Cell Simulations for Optical Magnetic Field Spectroscopy
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
216) R. Jacobi, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Computational Approaches for Förster Resonance Energy Transfer in Lipid Bilayer Membranes
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
215) S. Polonius, L. González, S. Mai
Highly Efficient Non-adiabatic Dynamics in Solution Using Linear Vibronic Coupling Models with Electrostatic Embedding
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
214) M. M. Reiner, B. Bachmair, M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Mai, L. González, P. Marquetand, C. Dellago
Studying Rare Photoreactions Using Nonadiabatic Forward Flux Sampling I: Method
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
213) M. M. Reiner, B. Bachmair, M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Mai, L. González, P. Marquetand, C. Dellago
Studying Rare Photoreactions Using Nonadiabatic Forward Flux Sampling II: Applications
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
212) D. Vörös, A. Angeletti, C. Franchini, S. Mai, L. González
4-(N,N-Dimethylamino)-4'-Nitrostilbene on an Amorphous Silica Glass Surface and its Photochemistry
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
211) M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand
Excited-State Dynamics in Explicit Solvent Molecules using Machine Learning
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
210) N. K. Singer, P. A. Sánchez-Murcia, M. Ernst, L. González
QM/MM Simulations Reveal the Turn-On Mechanism of a Fluorescent Probe for Imaging GABAa Receptor
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
209) M. J. Sahre, G. F. von Rudorff, A. von Lilienfeld
Understanding covalent bonding with computational alchemy
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
208) R. Jingar, S. Mai
Accurate Description of Electric and Magnetic dipole transitions in Eu3+ ion using multi-refrence electronic structure calculations with spin-orbit-coupling
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
207) R. Meyrelles, M. Schupp, B. Maryasin
Prediction of Hydroxamic Acid Isomerization Through Mechanistic Studies
58th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 18.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
206) D. Hernández-Castillo, I. Eder, L. González
Unraveling and conceptualizing the temperature dependent phosphorescence deactivation of Ru(bpy)3 derivatives
Seventh Jornadas Ibéricas de Fotoquímica (7'JIF), Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022
205) R. Jacobi, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Computational Approaches Towards the Evaluation of the Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Rate of Chromophores in Lipid Bilayer Membranes
Seventh Jornadas Ibéricas de Fotoquímica (7'JIF), Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022
204) B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Mai, L. González, P. Marquetand, C. Dellago
Nonadiabatic Forward Flux Sampling Allows the Study of Rare Photoreactions I: Method
CECAM School "Machine Learning and Quantum Computing for Quantum Molecular Dynamics", Paris (France), 05.09.2022 - 09.09.2022
203) B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Mai, L. González, P. Marquetand, C. Dellago
Nonadiabatic Forward Flux Sampling Allows the Study of Rare Photoreactions II: Applications
CECAM School "Machine Learning and Quantum Computing for Quantum Molecular Dynamics", Paris (France), 05.09.2022 - 09.09.2022
202) M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand
Excited States ML/MM: The Acceleration of the QM/MM Method
CECAM School "Machine Learning and Quantum Computing for Quantum Molecular Dynamics", Paris (France), 05.09.2022 - 09.09.2022
201) D. Hernández-Castillo, I. Eder, L. González
Taming the phosphorescence life time of Ru(bpy)3 derivatives and conceptualizing non-radiative decay rates by means of density functional theory
19th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications (DFT2022), Brussels (Belgium), 28.08.2022 - 02.09.2022
200) J. P. Zobel, A. Wernbacher, L. González
Reverse Intersystem Crossing via Intermediate Triplet States in Carbene-Metal-Amide TADF Emitters
23rd European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Systems (MOLEC2022), Hamburg (Germany) , 21.08.2022 - 26.08.2022
199) M. Oelschlegel, M. Niemann, S.-A. Hua, L. Schmid, J. P. Zobel, J. Franz, J.-H. Borter, D. Schwarzer, L. González, O. S. Wenger, F. Meyer
Re Polypyridyl Complexes for Photoinduced PCET Reactivity utilizing the Disulfide/Dithiol Switch
ISPPCC 2022, Vancouver (Canada), 24.07.2022 - 29.07.2022
198) P. Marquetand, M. M. Reiner, B. Bachmair, M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Mai, L. González, C. Dellago
Sampling rare events in electronic excited states
Molecular Interactions and Dynamics Gordon Research Conference, Stonehill College (USA), 10.07.2022 - 15.07.2022
197) B. Bachmair, M. M. Reiner, M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Mai, L. González, C. Dellago, P. Marquetand
A New Method to Sample Rare Events in Electronic Excited States
Panel A DoSChem 2022 Retreat, Bad Waltersdorf (Austria), 31.05.2022 - 02.06.2022
196) R. Meyrelles, M. Schupp, B. Maryasin, N. Maulide, L. González
Isomerization of Hydroxamic Acids: How Mechanistic Studies Can Predict Reactivity
Panel A DoSChem 2022 Retreat, Bad Waltersdorf (Austria), 31.05.2022 - 02.06.2022
195) D. Hernández-Castillo, R. Jacobi, I. Eder, L. González
Computational Approaches for Fine-Tuning Light-Absorption and Emission Processes in Ru(bpy)3-based Photosensitizers for Artificial Photosynthesis
International CataLysis Networking Conference 2022, Kassel (Germany), 03.05.2022 - 05.05.2022
194) R. Jacobi, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Computational Investigation of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer of a Chromophore/Photosensitizer Pair Embedded in a Lipid Bilayer
2022 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference, United Kingdom (Online), 01.03.2022 - 02.03.2022
2021 |
193) L. Schwiedrzik, D. Hernández-Castillo, R. Jacobi, L. González
Watching a Catalyst Function: Integration of Photocatalytic Components in Complex Environments
DFG TRR234 CataLight Retreat 2021, Weisendorf (Germany), 11.10.2021 - 13.10.2021
192) M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand, M. Gastegger, J. Westermayr
Excited states ML/MM: The acceleration of the QM/MM method
MolTag Doctoral Program Retreat, Retz (Austria), 29.09.2021 - 30.09.2021
191) N. K. Singer, P. A. Sánchez-Murcia, M. Ernst, L. González
Going Bananas! Turn-on mechanism of a fluorescent probe for imaging GABAA receptors
MolTag Doctoral Program Retreat, Retz (Austria), 29.09.2021 - 30.09.2021
190) O. J. Belleza, M. Riomet, N. K. Singer, M. Lemmerer, I. Saridakis, L. González, N. Maulide, H. Sitte
Pharmacological characterization of fluorescent probes for imaging monoamine transporters
MolTag Doctoral Program Retreat, Retz (Austria), 29.09.2021 - 30.09.2021
189) R. Meyrelles
Mechanistic Study of Selenium and Sulfur Catalysed Isomerisation of Hydroxamic Acids
1st DoSChem International Student Symposium, University of Vienna (Austria), 23.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
188) M. M. Reiner, C. Dellago
Training Set Size Dependence of Residual Error of Neural Network Potentials
1st DoSChem International Student Symposium, University of Vienna (Austria), 23.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
187) B. Bachmair, C. Dellago, L. González, P. Marquetand
Langevin Thermostat Implemented in SHARC
1st DoSChem International Student Symposium, University of Vienna (Austria), 23.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
186) D. Vörös, S. Mai, L. González
Combining single- and multireference methods to describe the dynamics of the excited-state hydrogen transfer mechanism in ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde
1st DoSChem International Student Symposium, University of Vienna (Austria), 23.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
185) M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand
Can neural networks be accelerated using singular value decomposition?
1st DoSChem International Student Symposium, University of Vienna (Austria), 23.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
184) D. Vörös, S. Mai, L. González
Combining Single- and Multireference Methods to Describe the Dynamics of the Excited-State Hydrogen Transfer Mechanism in Ortho-Nitrobenzaldehyde
57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (online event) University of Würzburg (Germany), 20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
183) R. Jacobi, D. Hernández-Castillo, L. González
Fine Tuning of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer between Chromophores Confined in Lipid Membrane: A Computational Approach
57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (online event) University of Würzburg (Germany), 20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
182) S. Mai, M. Holzer, A. Andreeva, L. González
Insights into Jahn-Teller Effects and Spectroscopy of Manganese-Oxo Cubane Water Oxidation Catalysts
57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (online event) University of Würzburg (Germany), 20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
181) D. Hernández-Castillo, M. Schmid, R. Nau, S. Rau, S. Tschierlei, L. González
Let There be Light: Computing the Phosphorescence Emission Lifetime of Ru(II) Complexes
LatinXChem 2021, (Online Event), Twitter, 20.09.2021
180) M. Heindl, L. González
Veni, Vidi, Modifici: Investigating and adapting the Excited State Dynamics of a Ruthenium Photosensitizer
57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (online event) University of Würzburg (Germany), 20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
179) M. M. Reiner, C. Dellago
Training Set Size Dependence of Residual Error of Neural Network Potentials
57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (online event) University of Würzburg (Germany), 20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
178) B. Bachmair, C. Dellago, L. González, P. Marquetand
Langevin Thermostat Implemented in SHARC
57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC), (online event) University of Würzburg (Germany), 20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
177) L. Schwiedrzik, L. González
Interplay between Redox Isomerism and Jahn-Teller Effects Enhances Reactivity in a Bioinspired Mn4O4 Cubane Water Oxidation Catalyst
57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (online event) University of Würzburg (Germany), 20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
176) M. X. Tiefenbacher, P. Marquetand
Can neural networks be accelerated using singular value decomposition?
57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (online event) University of Würzburg (Germany), 20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
175) N. K. Singer, P. A. Sánchez-Murcia, M. Ernst, L. González
Fluorescent Probe Goes Bananas: Turn-On Mechanism of an Allosteric Modulator Screening Tool for GABAA Receptors
EUROPIN Summer School on Drug Design, (online event) University of Vienna (Austria), 13.09.2021 - 17.09.2021
174) P. Heim, S. Mai, B. Thaler, S. Cesnik, D. Avagliano, D. Bella- Velidou, W. E. Ernst, L. González, M. Koch
Ultrafast Nonadabatic Dynamics of Nearly Degenerated Rydberg States in Acetone
30th International Conference on Photochemistry, (online event) University of Geneva (Switzerland), 19.07.2021 - 23.07.2021
173) L. Schwiedrzik, L. González
Discovering Degradation in a Tetramanganese Water Oxidation Catalyst
Virtual Winter School on Computational Chemistry 2021, (online) CECAM (France), 15.02.2021 - 18.02.2021
2020 |
172) P. Heim, S. Mai, B. Thaler, S. Cesnik, D. Avagliano, D. Bella-Velidou, W. E. Ernst, L. González, M. Koch
Ultrafast Phenomena 2020, (online) Shanghai (China), 16.11.2020 - 19.11.2020
171) L. Schwiedrzik, V. Brieskorn, S. Mai, L. González
Unraveling the Reactivity of a Tetramanganese-Polyoxovanadate Water Oxidation Catalyst
1. Catalight Young Scientist Symposium: Light Driven Catalysis, (online) Ulm University (Germany), 10.11.2020 - 26.11.2020
170) D. Hernández-Castillo, B. Maryasin, S. Amthor, S. Rau, L. González
Theoretical Study of the -C1/-H2O Ligand Exchange Reaction and Water Oxidation Catalysis in two Ruthenium Catalysts
1nd Catalight Young Scientist Symposium: Light Driven Catalysis, (online) Ulm University (Germany), 10.11.2020 - 26.11.2020
169) L. Schwiedrzik, D. Hernández-Castillo, G. Cardenas, S. Mai, A. Wernbacher, B. Maryasin, P. Marquetand, J. J. Nogueira, L. González
Theoretical Insights into Mn- and Ru-Based Water Oxidation (WO) Catalysis
CRC-Network CataLysis, (online) Ulm University (Germany), 30.09.2020 - 01.10.2020
168) J. Wen, S. Mai, L. González
Solvation Effect on a Ligth-Driven Molecular Motor by Nonadiabatic Dynamics Simulations
Photochemistry School 2020, (online), 07.09.2020 - 09.09.2020
167) D. Hernández-Castillo, B. Maryasin, S. Amthor, S. Rau, L. González
Theoretical Study on the Effects of Extended π-Ligands in the Water Oxidation Catalysis with Ruthenium
LatinXChem, (online) , 07.09.2020
166) M. Oppel
Accelerating Quantum Chemical Simulations with Vector Engines (cancelled due to Covid-19)
EuroHPC Summit Week 2020, Porto (Portugal), 23.03.2020 - 27.03.2020
165) A. Wernbacher, F. L. Huber, D. Perleth, S. Rau, L. González
Ruthenium water oxidation catalysts: Effect of ligand modification on their spectroscopic properties
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, Sankt Michael im Lungau (Austria), 03.03.2020 - 06.03.2020
2019 |
164) J. Westermayr, M. Gastegger, M. F. S. J. Menger, S. Mai, L. González, P. Marquetand
Machine Learning Photoinduced Dynamics: Ab-initio Accuracy on Nanosecond Time Scales
55th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC), Rostock (Germany), 22.09.2019 - 26.09.2019
163) M. Heindl, L. González
The hitchhiker's guide to laser fields in surface hopping simulations: navigating the depths of ad hoc approximations
55th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC), Rostock (Germany), 22.09.2019 - 26.09.2019
162) L. Schwiedrzik, V. Brieskorn, G. Cardenas, L. González
Watching a Catalyst Function: Theoretical Insights into Water Oxidation on Mn V Clusters
CataLight Summer School, Masserberg (Germany), 17.09.2019 - 21.09.2019
161) L. Schwiedrzik, V. Brieskorn, G. Cardenas, P. Marquetand, L. González
Shine a Light on Me: Simulating the Reactivity of a Water Oxidation Catalyst
17th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC), Burg Schlaining (Austria), 09.09.2019 - 12.09.2019
160) J. Wen, Z. Havlas, J. Michl
Searching for Optimal Arrangements of Perylene Pairs in Singlet Fission
17th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC), Burg Schlaining (Austria), 09.09.2019 - 12.09.2019
159) P. Marquetand
Machine learning for dynamics simulations
17th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC), Burg Schlaining (Austria), 09.09.2019 - 12.09.2019
158) S. Mai, D. Bregenholt Zederkof, K. Haldrup, L. González
Comparison of Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing in Iron(II) and Rhenium(I) Complexes
17th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC), Burg Schlaining (Austria), 09.09.2019 - 12.09.2019
157) S. Mai, Diana Bregenholt Zederkof, Kristoffer Haldrup, L. González
Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing in Third-Row and Fifth-Row Transition Metal Complexes
10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP-X), Tromsø (Norway), 11.07.2019 - 17.07.2019
156) J. Westermayr, M. Gastegger, M. F. S. J. Menger, S. Mai, L. González, P. Marquetand
Excited-state machine learning molecular dynamics simulations on nanosecond time scales
10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP-X), Tromsø (Norway), 11.07.2019 - 17.07.2019
155) B. Maryasin, D. Kaldre, D. Kaiser, I. Klose, S. Ruider, G. Di Mauro, A. Pinto, S. Shaaban, M. Drescher, H. Kählig, I. D. Jurberg, L. González, N. Maulide
Computational Chemistry and Organic Synthesis: Let Us Build a Bridge
10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP-X), Tromsø (Norway) , 11.07.2019 - 17.07.2019
154) M. Menger, F. Plasser, B. Mennucci, L. González
Surface Hopping within an Exciton Picture: An electrostatic embedding scheme
9th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference, Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg, 30.06.2019 - 05.07.2019
153) L. Schwiedrzik, P. Marquetand, L. González
Exploring Degradation Pathways in a Light-Driven Water Oxidation Catalyst
CECAM Workshop 'Theoretical and Computational Inorganic Photochemistry: Methodological Developments, Applications and Interplay with Experiments', Toulouse (France), 17.06.2019 - 20.06.2019
152) B. Maryasin, D. Kaldre, D. Kaiser, I. Klose, S. Ruider, G. Di Mauro, A. Pinto, S. Shaaban, M. Drescher, H. Kählig, I. D. Jurberg, L. González, N. Maulide
Computational Chemistry and Organic Synthesis: Let Us Build a Bridge
691. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on “Physical Organic Chemistry: Recent developments in instrumentation, structure, theory, and mechanisms, Bad Honnef (Germany) , 18.02.2019 - 19.02.2019
2018 |
151) F. Talotta, M. Boggio-Pasqua, L. González
SHARC Photodynamics of the TRANS-[RuCl(NO)Py4]2+
54th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC), Halle (Germany), 17.09.2018 - 20.09.2018
150) P. A. Sánchez-Murcia, J. J. Nogueira, F. Plasser, L. González
Quantification of directional excitations in Ru-based photosensitizers using orbital-free theoretical descriptors
QBIC-IV, University of Bath, Bath (UK), 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018
149) S. Gómez, N. Singer, G. Worth, L. González
Exploiting nuclear quantum interferences to identify nuclear spin isomers in full-D
6th Edition of the High Dimensional Quantum Dynamics (HDQD) Workshop, Lille (France), 27.08.2018 - 31.08.2018
148) M. De Vetta, O. Baig, J. J. Nogueira, L. González
Liposomal assisted delivery of the Temoporfin photosensitizer: insight from molecular dynamics simulations
Final Workshop ITN-EJD TCCM, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy), 23.07.2018 - 25.07.2018
147) F. Talotta, M. Boggio-Pasqua
Ab initio investigation of the NO photorelease in the ruthenium nitrosyl complex trans-[RuCl(NO)(py)4]+2
Final Workshop ITN-EJD TCCM, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy), 23.07.2018 - 25.07.2018
146) M. Menger, F. Plasser, B. Mennucci, L. González
Surface Hopping Dynamics within an Excitonic Picture
Final Workshop ITN-EJD TCCM, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy), 23.07.2018 - 25.07.2018
145) J. Westermayr, L. González, P. Marquetand
Neural Networks trained on ab-initio data for prediction of surface hopping molecular dynamics
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Computational Chemsitry "Towards Next-Generation Challenges in Computational Chemistry: From Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Simulation to Data Discovery and Quantum Computing", Mount Snow (USA), 22.07.2018 - 27.07.2018
144) J. Westermayr, L. González, P. Marquetand
Neural Networks trained on ab-initio data for prediction of surface hopping molecular dynamics
Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Computational Chemistry "Emerging Directions in Computational Chemistry: From Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Simulation to Data Discovery", Mount Snow (USA), 21.07.2018 - 22.07.2018
143) M. De Vetta, A. Wiehe, D. Steen, I. Corral, L. González
Taming electronic excited states and deactivation mechanisms of BODIPYs
11th Congress on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications (ESPA), Toledo (Spain), 17.07.2018 - 19.07.2018
142) S. Mai, L. González
Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing Dynamics of [Re(CO)3 (Imidazole)(Phenanthroline)]+ in Solution
XXI International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Hamburg (Germany), 15.07.2018 - 20.07.2018
141) S. Mai, A. Monari, L. González
Preparation of Initial Conditions for Flexible Transition Metal Complexes in Solution
Photoinduced Processes in Embedded Systems (PPES 2018), Pisa (Italy), 24.06.2018 - 27.06.2018
140) M. Menger, F. Plasser, B. Mennucci, L. González
Surface Hopping Dynamics within an Excitonic Picture
Photoinduced Processes in Embedded Systems (PPES 2018), Pisa (Italy), 24.06.2018 - 27.06.2018
139) B. Maryasin, D. Kaldre, R. Galaverna, I. Klose, S. Ruider, M. Drescher, H. Kählig, M. N. Eberlin, I. D. Jurberg, L. González, N. Maulide
Unusual Mechanisms in Claisen Rearrangements
Computational Catalysis for Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Tarragona (Spain), 13.06.2018 - 15.06.2018
138) J. Westermayr, L. González, P. Marquetand
Excited State Molecular Dynamics with Neural Networks
CECAM workshop: Machine Learning at Interfaces, Lausanne (Switzerland), 04.06.2018 - 08.06.2018
137) L. González
Watching a Catalyst Function: Theoretical Insights into Water Oxidation on Mn-V Oxide Clusters Embedded in Soft Matter Matrices
CataLight project defense, On-site review (Proposed CRC/Transregio 234), Ulm (Germany), 19.03.2018 - 21.03.2018
136) T. Schnappinger, P. Kölle, M. Marazzi, A. Monari, L. González, R. de Vivie-Riedle
Ab initio molecular dynamics of thiophene and its smaller oligomers: The interplay of internal conversion and intersystem crossing
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Erlangen (Germany), 05.03.2018 - 09.03.2018
2017 |
135) P. A. Sánchez-Murcia, J. del Arco, J. Fernández-Lucas, L. González
Revisiting the catalytic mechanism of nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase by means of QM/MM methods
QM/MM Methods and Applications, Manchester (UK), 04.09.2017 - 06.09.2017
134) B. Maryasin, L. González, N. Maulide
Enantio- and Regioselectivity of Arylation Reactions with Sulfoxides: Computational Studies Shed the Light on the Mechanism
EUCO-TCC 2017, Barcelona (Spain), 04.09.2017 - 07.09.2017
133) M. Marazzi, D. Roca, L. González, L. A. Eriksson, E. Dumont, S. Grandemange, A. Monari
DNA Photosensitization Mechanisms: Similarities and Differences between Benzophenone, Ibuprofen and Ketoprofen
17th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Pisa (Italy), 04.09.2017 - 08.09.2017
132) F. Talotta, F. Alary, I. M. Dixon, J.-L. Heully, L. González, M. Boggio- Pasqua
Computational Studies of the Photoswitching Mechanisms in Photochromic Ruthenium Complexes
WATOC 2017, Munich (Germany), 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
131) S. Gómez, M. Oppel, C Symonds, D. Shalashilin, G. Worth, L. González
How to describe quantum interferences to separate Nuclear Spin Isomers
WATOC 2017, Munich (Germany), 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
130) F. Plasser, S. A. Mewes, S. Mai, J. J. Nogueira, A. Dreuw, L. González
WATOC 2017, Munich (Germany), 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
129) J. J. Nogueira, M. Heindl, L. González
Excited-State Dynamics of a Eumelanin Building Block: Photoprotection or Photodamage?
WATOC 2017, Munich (Germany), 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
128) B. Maryasin, D. Kaldre, D. Kaiser, O. Gajsek, N. Maulide, L. González
Sulfoxide as a Chirality Information "Storage Device" to Perform Enantioselective Arylation: How Does It Work?
WATOC 2017, Munich (Germany), 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
127) M. Menger, S. Caprasecca, B. Mennucci
Excited State Gradients within an induced dipole formulation of polarizable QM/MM
WATOC 2017, Munich (Germany), 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
126) S. Mai, F. Plasser, H. Gattuso, M. Fumanal, A. Monari, C. Daniel, L. González
How to Quantify Charge Transfer Character of Excited States in Transition Metal Complexes
WATOC 2017, Munich (Germany), 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
125) J. P. Zobel, J. J. Nogueira, L. González
It's Getting Hot: Temperature-Dependent Wigner Sampling and Excited-State Dynamics f 2-Nitronaphthalene
WATOC 2017, Munich (Germany), 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
124) S. Gómez, M. Oppel, C. Symonds, D. Shalashilin, G. Worth, L. González
Towards the separation of Nuclear Spin Isomers in full dimensionality
53rd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC) - Big Data Analysis, Basel (Switzerland), 21.08.2017 - 25.08.2017
123) M. Oppel, S. Gómez, L. González
13th Femtochemistry Conference, Cancun (Mexico), 12.08.2017 - 17.08.2017
122) F. Talotta, L. González, M. Boggio-Pasqua
A theoretical investigation of the trans-[RuC(NO)(Py)4]2+ photochemistry
2nd Annual Meeting and Conference of the EJD-TCCM, Leuven (Belgium), 17.07.2017 - 21.07.2017
121) M. De Vetta, J. J. Nogueira, D. Steen, I. Corral, A. Wiehe, L. González
Photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy: from photophysics to assisted delivery
2nd Annual Meeting and Conference of the EJD-TCCM, Leuven (Belgium), 17.07.2017 - 21.07.2017
120) M. Menger, S. Caprasecca, B. Mennucci
Excited state gradients in polarizable QM/MM models: an induced dipole formulation
2nd Annual Meeting and Conference of the EJD-TCCM, Leuven (Belgium), 17.07.2017 - 21.07.2017
119) C. Daniel, M. Fumanal, H. Gattuso, L. González, S. Mai, A. Monari, F. Plasser
Absorption Spectrum of [Re(CO)3 (im)(phen)]+: Solvation and Wave Function Analysis
FemEx Netherlands 2017, Putten (Netherlands), 22.06.2017 - 25.06.2017
118) M. Menger, S. Caprasecca, B. Mennucci
Excited State Gradients for the induced dipole formulation of the polarizable QM/MM methods
4th BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium, Barcelona (Spain), 02.05.2017 - 04.05.2017
117) M. De Vetta, L. González, I. Corral
The deactivation mechanism of the parent BODIPY: theoretical insights for improving its photosensitizing properties.
Molecular Properties and Computational Spectroscopy from Esoteric Effects to Novel Probing Tools, Pisa (Italy), 10.04.2017 - 12.04.2017
116) M. Menger, S. Caprasecca, B. Mennucci
Excited State Gradients within a polarizable QM/MM formulation
Molecular Properties and Computational Spectroscopy from Esoteric Effects to Novel Probing Tools, Pisa (Italy), 10.04.2017 - 12.04.2017
115) A. J. Atkins
Assessment of Density Functional and Wave Function Method Dependence on the Non-adiabatic Molecular Dynamics of CH2S
Molecular Properties and Computational Spectroscopy from Esoteric Effects to Novel Probing Tools, Pisa (Italy), 10.04.2017 - 12.04.2017
2016 |
114) M. Menger, S. Caprasecca, L. González, B. Mennucci
Analytic Energy Gradients of Excited States within the TDDFT/MMPol Framework
52nd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Bochum (Germany), 26.09.2016 - 29.09.2016
113) A. J. Atkins
Unmasking The Mechanism of Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing of the Archetypal Photosensitizer [Ru(bpy)3]2+
25. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry, Jena (Germany), 26.09.2016 - 28.09.2016
112) A. J. Atkins
Unveiling The Mechanism of Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing of the Archetypal Photosensitizer [Ru(bpy)3]2+
ECOSTBio (Explicit Control over Spin-states in Technology and Biochemistry) fifth scientific meeting, Kraków (Poland), 08.09.2016 - 09.09.2016
111) S. Mai, H. Yu, J. A. Sanchez-Rodriguez, S. Ullrich, P. Marquetand, L. González
Excited-State Dynamics of 2-Thiouracil: Simulation of Neutral Dynamics and Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectrum
Ultrafast Imaging of Photochemical Dynamics: Faraday Discussion, Edinburgh (United Kingdom), 31.08.2016 - 02.09.2016
110) S. Goméz, C. Rauer, M. Oppel, L. González
Direct Non-adiabatic Dynamics of 1,1-Difluoroethylene
5th workshop on "High dimensional quantum dynamics: challenges and opportunities", Rostock (Germany), 31.08.2016 - 03.09.2016
109) V. Krewald, D.A. Pantazis
Principles of redox accumulation: understanding the oxygen evolving complex and tuning synthetic analogues
The 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, Maastricht (Netherlands), 07.08.2016 - 12.08.2016
108) M. de Vetta, I. Corral, L. González, D. Steen, A. Wiehe
Theoretical insight into the photosensitizing properties of BODIPYs
1st Annual Meeting of the EJD-TCCM, Paris (France), 18.07.2016 - 20.07.2016
107) J. P. Zobel, J. J. Nogueira, L. González
Nuclear Motion Affects Charge Transfer in Excited Nitrobenzene
Gordon Research Seminar & Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Interactions and Dynamics, Easton (USA), 10.07.2016 - 15.07.2016
106) F. Talotta, M. Boggio-Pasqua, J.-L. Heully, F. Alary, L. González
Ab initio investigation of trans-[RuCl(NO)(py)4]+2 photoinduced isomerization
RCTF 2016, Lyon (France), 27.06.2016 - 01.07.2016
105) L. Freitag, S. Knecht, L. González, M. Reiher
Multiconfigurational calculations and active space selection for excited states of ruthenium tris-bipyridine
8th Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Uppsala (Sweden), 26.06.2016 - 01.07.2016
104) A. J. Atkins, L. Freitag, L. González
SHARC Non-Adiabatic Molecular Dynamics with Linear Response TD-DFT for Simulating Intersystem Crossing
8th Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Uppsala (Sweden), 26.06.2016 - 01.07.2016
103) J. P. Zobel, J. J. Nogueira, L. González
The IPEA Dilemma in CASPT2
8th Molecular Quantum Mechnics Conference, Uppsala (Sweden), 26.06.2016 - 01.07.2016
102) M. de Vetta, I. Corral, L. Gonzá , D. Steen, A. Wiehe
Theoretical insight into BODIPYs excited states: in the pursuit of improved photodynamic therapy
8th Molecular Quantum Mechanics , Uppsala (Sweden), 26.06.2016 - 01.07.2016
101) S. Goméz, M. Oppel, L. González
Role of Non-Adiabatic Coupling Terms in The Identification of 1,1-Difluoroethylene Nuclear-Spin Isomers
Different Routes to Quantum Molecular Dynamics (CECAM Workshop), CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland), 06.06.2016 - 10.06.2016
100) M. Gastegger, C. Kauffmann, J. Behler, P. Marquetand
High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials: Inherent Fragmentation Capabilities and Impact of Structural Descriptors
CECAM Workshop "Exploring Chemical Space with Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics", Zürich (Switzerland), 30.05.2016 - 03.06.2016
99) A. J. Atkins, L. González
A new theoretical Tool for studying the dynamics of Photocatalytic transition Metal Complexes
12th Girona Seminar: Predictive Catalysis: Transition-Metal Reactivity by Design, Girona (Spain), 17.04.2016 - 20.04.2016
98) L. Freitag, S. Knecht, L. González, M. Reiher
On the active space selection in multiconfigurational calculations of excited states of [Ru(bpy)₃]²+;
4th scientific workshop of the Cost Action CM1305: ECOSTBio, Prague (Czech Republic), 13.04.2016 - 15.04.2016
97) S. Goméz, M. Oppel, L. González
Torsional Dynamics of 1,1-Difluoroethylene in the Presence of Non-Adiabatic Couplings
MOLIM 2016, Curia (Portugal), 30.03.2016 - 03.04.2016
96) I. Sandler, L. Freitag, L. González
Quantum chemical calculations on derivatives of the anticancer compound KP1019
18. JCF Frühjahrssymposium, Kiel (Germany), 16.03.2016 - 19.03.2016
2015 |
95) M. Marazzi, S. Mai, L. González, A. Monari
Ultrafast Population of the Benzophenone Triplet Manifold: a Photochemical Study for an Improved Understanding of DNA Photosensitization
CECAM Workshop: DNA damages: modeling & rationalize structure & reactivity, Lyon (France), 03.11.2015 - 06.11.2015
94) S. Mai, P. Marquetand, L. González
Substitution Patterns of Nucleobase Analogues Studied with SHARC Molecular Dynamics
51st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC 2015), Potsdam (Germany), 20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
93) J. P. Zobel, J. J. Nogueira, L. González
Quenching of Charge Transfer in Nitrobenzene Induced by Nuclear Motion
51st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC 2015), Potsdam (Germany), 20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
92) M. Ruckenbauer, S. Mai, F. Plasser, P. Marquetand, L. González
Efficient ab-initio photoelectron spectra using Dyson norms
51st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC 2015), Potsdam (Germany), 20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
91) L. Freitag, S. Knecht, M. Reiher, L. González
Orbital entanglement-based active space selection for multiconfigurational calculations: application on ruthenium tris-bipyridyl
51st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (STC 2015), Potsdam (Germany), 20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
90) C. Rauer, P. Marquetand, L. González
The Cyclobutane Thymine Dimer is formed from the Doubly Excited Singlet State
51st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC 2015), Potsdam (Germany), 20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
89) M. Gastegger, P. Marquetand
An Improved Training Algorithm for High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials Applied to a Claisen Reaction
51st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, (STC 2015), Potsdam (Germany), 20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
88) A. Atkins, L. Freitag, L. González
Benchmarking TD-DFT Calculations for the Energetic Manifolds of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ against CASPT2
STC2015, , 20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
87) S. Mai, P. Marquetand, L. González
Demonstration of the SHARC ab initio Molecular Dynamics Package
10th European Conference on Computational Chemistry (EuCoCC), Fulda (Germany), 31.08.2015 - 03.09.2015
86) A. Atkins, L. Freitag, L. González
Benchmarking TD-DFT Calculations for the Energetic Manifolds of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ against CASPT2
ECOST-Meeting CM 1305, Belgrade (Serbia), 23.08.2015 - 25.08.2015
85) Q. Pan, T. Kowacs, L. Freitag, L. González, J.P. Korterik, P. Lang, S. Rau, W.R. Browne, J.G. Vos, A. Huijser
A new photophysical insight into high turn over numbers for H2 generation in Ru(II)-polypyridine-Pt(II) photocatalytic complexes
The Hamburg Conference on Femtochemistry, FEMTO12, Hamburg (Germany), 12.07.2015 - 17.07.2015
84) M. Pollum, C. Reichardt, C. E. Crespo-Hernández, L. Martínez-Fernández, I. Corral, C. Rauer, S. Mai, P. Marquetand, L. González
Which Electronic and Structural Factors Control the Photostability of DNA and RNA Purine Nucleobases?
International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Illinois (USA), 22.06.2015 - 26.06.2015
83) P. Marquetand
SHARC molecular dynamics and neural networks
CECAM workshop: Molecular Quantum Dynamics Methods, Lausanne (Switzerland), 15.06.2015 - 19.06.2015
82) M. Gastegger, P. Marquetand
An Improved Training Algorithm for High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials Applied to a Claisen Reaction
From Many-Body Hamiltonians to Machine Learning and Back (CECAM-Workshop), Berlin (Germany), 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015
81) Q. Pan, T. Kowacs, L. Freitag, L. González, J. P. Korterik, S. Rau, W. R. Browne, J. G. Vos, A. Huijser
A new photophysical insight into high TON values in Ru(II)-polypyridine-Pt(II) photocatalytic complexes
1st International Solar Fuels Conference (ISF-1), Uppsala (Sweden), 26.04.2015 - 01.05.2015
80) P. Zobel, L. González
Ultraschnelles Intersystem Crossing in Organischen Molekülen
Feierliche Stipendienverleihung 2015 der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna (Austria), 30.01.2015
2014 |
79) N. J. Dunn, M. Pollum, S. Mai, L. Martínez-Fernández, P. Marquetand, L. González, I. Corral Pérez, C. E. Crespo-Hernández
Sub-picosecond intersystem crossing dynamics of 2-thiocytosine in aqueous buffer solution
ACS Central Regional Meeting 2014, Pittsburgh, PA (USA), 29.10.2014 - 01.11.2014
78) C. Rauer, S. Mai, P.Marquetand, L. González
The S1 as a doorway to intersystem crossing in purine - a joint theoretical and experimental study
50th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
77) P. Marquetand, M. Thomas, S. Mühlig, T. Deckert-Gaudig, C. Rockstuhl
Simulating surface-enhanced Raman scattering
50th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
76) L. Freitag, L. González
Ground and Excited State Studies of Ruthenium Nitrosyl Complexes
50th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
75) M. Oppel, R. Obaid, D. Kinzel, L. González
Separating Nuclear Spin Isomers of a Quinodimethane Derivative via Pump-Dump control
50th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
74) M.Waldl, M. Oppel, L. González
Exploiting the Dynamic Stark Effect to discriminate Nuclear Spin Isomers
50th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
73) M. Ruckenbauer, P. Marquetand, S. Mai, L. González
Computation of Photoelectron Spectra for Molecular Dyamics
50th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
72) J. J. Nogueira, L. González
The Role of Hydrogen Bonding in the Photosensitization Mechanism of Methylene Blue. An excited state QM/MM study
50th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
71) F. Latorre, P. Marquetand
Spin-Orbit Coupling effects in the resonance Raman scattering spectra of a small organic molecule attached to gold nanoclusters
50th Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
70) S. Mai, P. Marquetand, M. Richter, L. González
Sharc: Overview and Applications
50th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
69) M. Gastegger, P. Marquetand, C. Flamm, L. González
A Genetic Algorithm for the Creation of Olefin Metathesis Active Sites in /De-Novo/ Enzyme Design
50th Syposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
68) J. P. Zobel, J. J. Nogueira, L. González
The effects of solvation on the absorbtion spectrum and excited charge-transfer state of nitrobenzene
50th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.11.2014
67) A. Muñoz-Losa, S. Frutos-Puerto, F. G. Fernández-Prieto, M. E. Martín, M. A. Aguilar
Solvent effects in photophysical processes of the p-coumaric acid derivatives
50th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna (Austria), 14.09.2014 - 18.09.2014
66) L. Freitag, L. González
Exploring Ground and Excited States of Ruthenium Nitrosyl Complexes
Gordon Research Conference on Computational Chemistry, Mount Snow Resort, West Dover, VT (USA), 20.07.2014 - 25.07.2014
65) C. Rauer, P. Marquetand, L. González
Ab initio molecular dynamics of the cyclobutane thymine dimer
Gordon Research Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Interactions, Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts (USA), 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014
64) M. Oppel, R. Obaid, D. Kinzel, L. González
ESPA 2014, Badajoz (Spain), 02.07.2014 - 04.07.2014
63) C. Rauer, P. Marquetand, L. González
Ab initio molecular dynamics of the cyclobutane thymine dimer
ESPA 2014, Badajoz (Spain), 02.07.2014 - 04.07.2014
62) J. J. Nogueira, L. González
Influence of the Environment on Intersystem Crossing
ESPA 2014, Badajoz (Spain), 02.07.2014 - 04.07.2014
61) P. Marquetand, M. Ruckenbauer, T. Rozgonyi, M. Poetzlberger, W. Lunden, P. Sándor, T. Weinacht
Simulating strong-field ionization of small molecules
AttoFEL & XLIC WG1 meeting 2014, London (Great Britain), 30.06.2014 - 04.07.2014
60) M. Gastegger, P. Marquetand, L. González, C. Flamm
An Evolutionary Approach to Computational De-Novo Enzyme Design for Olefin Metathesis
MDMM 2014 - Modelling and Design of Molecular Materials, Kudowa Zdrój (Poland), 29.06.2014 - 03.07.2014
59) K. Lugsanangarm, S. Kupfer, P. Wolschann, S. Pianwanit, S. Kokpol, F. Tanaka, L. González
97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, CSC 2014, Vancouver (Canada), 01.06.2014 - 05.06.2014
58) L. Freitag, L. González
Theoretical Insights into Excited States and Photodegradation Pathways in Ruthenium Nitrosyl and Polypyridyl Complexes
Current Challenges in Supramolecular Artificial Photosynthesis, European Symposium & Young Researchers Meeting, Jena (Germany), 09.03.2014 - 13.03.2014
2013 |
57) S. Mai, P. Marquetand, M. Richter, J. Gonzalez-Vazquez, O. Njoya, T. C. Weinacht, M. Spanner, L. González
Interpreting pump-probe spectra of cytosine tautomers using singlet and triplet excited-state dynamics
1st XLIC General Meeting, Madrid (Spain), 11.11.2013 - 14.11.2013
56) J. J. Nogueira, L. González
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Methylene Blue Binding to DNA Sequences
ESCE 2013 - Excited States and Complex Environments, Münster (Germany), 08.10.2013 - 11.10.2013
55) M. Richter, P. Marquetand, L. González
Internal Convesion and Intersystem Crossing in Uracil and Thymine
ESCE 2013 - Excited States and Complex Environments, Münster (Germany), 08.10.2013 - 11.10.2013
54) S. Mai, P. Marquetand, M. Richter, J. Gonzalez-Vazquez, L. González
Ab initio molecular dynamics including triplet states: Application to the excited-state dynamics of cytosine tautomers
49th STC - Bridging Scales in Theoretical Chemistry, Erlangen (Germany), 22.09.2013 - 26.09.2013
53) R. Obaid, M. Oppel, D. Kinzel, T. Grohmann, O. Deeb, J. Manz, L. González
Determining the nuclear spin isomers of a derivative of quinodimethane in the T --> 0 limit using the molecular symmetry group
49th STC - Bridging Scales in Theoretical Chemistry, Erlangen (Germany), 22.09.2013 - 26.09.2013
52) L. Freitag, L. González
Ab-initio multiconfigurational calculations on [Ru(bipy)3 ]2+
9th European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Sopron (Hungary), 01.09.2013 - 05.09.2013
51) L. Freitag, M. Delcey, T.B. Pedersen, F. Aquilante, R. Lindh, L. González
A new look at the electronic structure of the {RuNO}6 moiety using density-fitting CASSCF calculations and localised orbitals
ISTCP-VIII, Budapest (Hungary), 25.08.2013 - 31.08.2013
50) P.-S. Kuhn, A. Gavriluta, G.E. Büchel, L. Freitag, G. Novitchi, J.B. Tommasini, E. Jeanneau, L. González, V.B. Arion, D. Luneau
Mechanism elucidation of the cis-trans isomerization of an Azole Ruthenium-Nitrosyl complex and its Osmium counterpart
ICBIC 16, Grenoble (France), 22.07.2013 - 26.07.2013
49) B. Dietzek, M. Wächtler, L. González, S. Rau
Structural control of photoinduced dynamics in 4H-imidazole Ruthenium complexes
ISPPCC 2013, Traverse City/Michigan (USA), 07.07.2013 - 11.07.2013
48) S. Mai, P. Marquetand, M. Richter, J. Gonzalez-Vazquez, L. González
The singlet and triplet excited-state dynamics of keto and enol cytosine tautomers
FEMTO11 -- The Copenhagen Conference on Femtochemistry (Niels Engholm Hendriksen), Copenhagen (Denmark), 07.07.2013 - 12.07.2013
47) F. Latore, J, Guthmuller, P. Marquetand, L. González
A spectroscopic study of the cis/trans-isomers of penta-2,4-dienoic acid attached to gold nanoclusters
Bunsentagung 2013, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT (Germany), 09.05.2013 - 11.05.2013
2012 |
46) M. Oppel, R. Obaid, O. Deeb, S. Zilberg, L. González
STC 2012 - 48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Karlsruhe (Germany), 23.09.2012 - 27.09.2012
45) F. Latorre, J. Guthmüller, P. Marquetand, L. González
Resonance Raman spectroscopy for cis/trans isomers of penta-2, 4, -dienoic acid attached to gold nanoclusters
STC 2012 - 48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Karlsruhe (Germany), 23.09.2012 - 27.09.2012
44) M. Richter, P. Marquetand, J. González-Vázquez, I. Solá, L. González
Ultrafast intersystem crossing in the DNA nucleobase cytosine
European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular System (MOLEC 2012), Oxford (UK), 09.09.2012 - 14.09.2012
43) M. Wächtler, S. Kupfer, J. Guthmuller, M. Maiuri, D. Brida, G. Cerullo, S. Rau, L. González, J. Popp, B. Dietzek
Structural control of photoinduced dynamics in 4H-imidazole Ruthenium complexes
4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague (Czech Republic), 26.08.2012 - 30.08.2012
42) M. Oppel, R. Obaid, O. Deeb, S. Zilberg, L. González
Conical intersections and non-adiabatic dynamics in push-pull quinodimethanes
ACS Fall Meeting 2012, Philadelphia (USA), 19.08.2012 - 23.08.2012
41) P. Marquetand, M. Richter, J. González-Vázquez, I. Sola, L. González
The role of intersystem crossing in the photorelaxation of the DNA nucleobase cytosine: a surface hopping study
Gordon Research Conferences on "Atomic and Molecular Interactions", Easton/MA (USA), 15.07.2012 - 20.07.2012
40) Y. Yang, M. Linke, T. von Haimberger, K. Heyne, J. Hahn, P. Schmieder, R. Matute, L. González
Real-time tracking of phytochrome's ring D orientational changes during Pr photoisomerization: Two Pr isoforms with different photoisomerization yields
Ultrafast Phenomena 2012, Lausanne (Switzerland), 08.07.2012 - 13.07.2012
39) L. Martínez-Fernández, G. Granucci, L. González, M. Persico
ESPA 2012, Barcelona (Spain), 26.06.2012 - 29.06.2012
38) L. Freitag, L. González, R. Lindh
Effect of electron correlation on valence-Rydberg mixing in a fluoroethylene derivative
Conference "Electronic Structure Theory for Strongly Correlated Systems", Palermo (Italy), 30.05.2012 - 01.06.2012
37) M. Assmann, I. Corral, D. Mollenhauer, L. González
Dynamics of an endoperoxide through a four-state conical intersection
High-dimensional quantum dynamics: challenges and opportunities. CECAM Workshop 2012, Birmingham (UK), 12.04.2012 - 14.04.2012
36) P. Marquetand, T. Rozgonyi, J. González-Vázquez, D. Geißler, T. Weinacht, L. González
Unraveling the dynamics in dihalomethanes after strong-field ionization
4th Annual Meeting of the COST Action CUSPFEL 2012, Cluj (Romania), 21.03.2012 - 23.03.2012
35) M. Assmann, C. Sanz Sanz, G. A. Worth, L. González
Excited state dynamics and laser control of a molecular rotor in the presence of conical intersections
4th annual meeting of the COST Action CUSPFEL, Cluj (Romania), 21.03.2012 - 23.03.2012
2011 |
34) M. Richter, P. Marquetand, J. González-Vázquez, I. Sola, L. González
SHARC - A new surface hopping methodology including arbitrary couplings in the adiabatic representation.
Excited states and non-adiabatic processes in complex systems. Theoretical approaches (satellite meeting of the WATOC 2011), Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Girona, Spain), 25.07.2011 - 27.07.2011
33) M. Assmann, C. Sanz Sanz, G. Pérez-Hernández, G. A. Worth, L. González
Excited state dynamics of a molecular rotor in the presence of conical intersections
Excited states and non-adiabatic processes in complex systems. Theoretical approaches (satellite meeting of the WATOC 2011), Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Girona, Spain), 25.07.2011 - 27.07.2011
32) D. Escudero, L. González
RASPT2 vs long-range/hybrid TDDFT methods: benchmarking the excited states of Ru(II) polypyridyl complexes
9th Triennial Congress of World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC 2011), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 18.07.2011 - 22.07.2011
31) M. Assmann, G. Pérez-Hernández, C. Sanz Sanz, G. A. Worth, L. González
Excited State Dynamics and Laser Control of an Asymmetric Molecular Rotor
FEMTO 10 - The Madrid Conference on Femtochemistry, Madrid (Spain), 10.07.2011 - 15.07.2011
30) P. Marquetand, M. Richter, J. González-Vázquez, I. Sola, L. González
Surface-hopping ab initio molecular dynamics including arbitrary couplings
FEMTO 10 - The Madrid Conference on Femtochemistry , Madrid (Spain), 10.07.2011 - 15.07.2011
29) B. Dietzek, R. Siebert, M. Wächtler, M. Schmitt, S. Rau, L. González
Excited-state Dynamics in Ruthenium(II)-polypyridine based
Black Absorbers and White Emitters
Benjamin Dietzek,1,2
Ronald Siebert,1 Maria Wächtler,1 Michael Schmitt1,
Sven Rau3, Leticia González1, Rainer Beckert4,
Ulrich S. Schubert4, Jürgen Popp1,2
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller
University, Jena, Germany
Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany
3 Department of
Chemistry and Pharmacy, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Erlangen, Germany
4 Laboratory of
Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC) and Jena Center for Soft Matter
(JCSM), Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Ruthenium-polypyridine complexes
play a central role in various applications associated with the generation of
charge separated species in e.g. coordination polymers, supramolecular catalysts
or sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. Here, we present a detailed
spectroscopic study of the photoinduced charge-separation steps in two classes
of ruthenium-polypyridine systems: (i) ruthenium-polypyridine based black
absorbers and (ii) ruthenium-terpyridine based white emitters. We discuss the
localization of the initial optical transitions in concert with a detailed study
of the subsequent picoseconds to nanosecond excited-state dynamics.
(i) The ruthenium-polypyridine based
black absorbers bare a novel 4H-imidazole
type ligand, the electronic structure of which determines the photophysical
properties. Here particular emphasize is put on the correlation between the
substitution pattern of the 4H-imidazole
ligand and its protonation state and the resulting photoinduced electron
transfer processes.
(ii) The
ruthenium-terpyridine based white emitters discussed here contain as a central
feature an extended aromatic chromophore attached at the 4-position of the
terpyridine moiety coordinating the central Ru(II) ion. A delicate balance
between metal-to-ligand charge-transfer states and
states associated with the organic chromophore is shown to determine the
luminescent properties of such systems. Here we discuss the photoinitiated
processes leading to the formation of the luminescent state in such
supramolecular white emitters.
This work was financially supported by
the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (R.S., B.D. and J.P.) and by the project
PhotoMIC of the TMBWK, grant No. B514-09049.
ISPPCC, Strasbourg (France), 03.07.2011 - 07.07.2011
2010 |
28) T. Rozgonyi, J. González-Vázquez, P. Marquetand, L. González, T. Weinacht, D. Geißler, S. Nichols
Dynamics induced by strong-field ionization of dihalomethanes in the presence of coupled electronic states
COST Action 2103 Workshop, Crete (Greece), 20.10.2010 - 22.10.2010
27) D. Escudero, L. González
2H-Azirines: Quantum chemistry for excited states and surface hopping dynamical simulations
8th European Conference on Computational Chemistry (EUCO-CC8), Lund (Sweden), 25.08.2010 - 28.08.2010
26) V. Leyva, I. Corral, F. Feixas, A. Migani, L. Blancafort, J. González-Vázquez, L. González
Different excited state hydrogen transfer mechanisms in ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde by ab initio quantum methods
XXIIIth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Ferrara (Italy), 11.07.2010 - 16.07.2010
25) M. Assmann, G. Pérez-Hernández, C. Sanz Sanz, G. A. Worth, L. González
Quantum chemistry and excited state dynamics of an asymmetric molecular rotor
Quantum chemistry beyond the Arctic Circle - promoting female excellence in theoretical and computational chemistry. CTCC international workshop, Sommarøy and Tromsø (Norway), 23.06.2010 - 26.06.2010
24) C. Buendía-Atencioa, V. Leyva, L. González
Excited states and thermochemistry of alkyl peroxynitrates R-OONO2 (R= CH3, C2H5, C3H7)
First principles quantum chemistry: from elementary reactions to enzymes. An international conference in honour of Hans-Joachim Werner 60th birthday, Bad Herrenalb (Germany), 14.04.2010 - 17.04.2010
23) D. Escudero, L. González
A theoretical insight into a complete photophysical picture of Ir(III) and Ru(II) organometallic complexes
International Bunsen Discussion Meeting on Light Harvesting and Solar Energy Conversion, Stuttgart (Germany), 29.03.2010 - 31.03.2010
22) M. Assmann, G. Pérez-Hernández, C. Sanz Sanz, G. A. Worth, L. González
Excited state dynamics of an asymmetric molecular rotor using MCTDH
239th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Spring 2010, San Francisco (USA), 21.03.2010 - 25.03.2010
21) Markus Oppel
Theory of ultrafast non-resonant multiphoton transitions in polyatomic molecules: Basics and application to optimal control theory
239th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Spring 2010, San Francisco (USA), 21.03.2010 - 24.03.2010
2009 |
20) M. Assmann, G. Pérez-Hernández, C. Sanz Sanz, G. A. Worth, L. González
Conformations and dynamics of 2-Cyclopentylidene-tetrahydrofuran
International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Dresden (Germany), 23.11.2009 - 27.11.2009
19) D. Escudero, L. González
Quantum chemistry for excited states and surface hopping simulations in 2H-Azirines
45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry. Excited states: from Photophysics to Photobiology, Neuss am Rhein (Germany), 08.09.2009 - 12.09.2009
18) V. Leyva, I. Corral, F. Feixas, A. Migani, L. Blancafort, J. González-Vázquez, L. González
Photoreaction mechanism of the intramolecular hydrogen transfer in ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde by ab initio methods
XXIV International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP 2009), Toledo (Spain), 19.07.2009 - 24.07.2009
17) V. Leyva, I. Corral, F. Feixas, A. Migani, L. Blancafort, L. González
The deactivation mechanism of excited state intramolecular hydrogen transfer in ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde explained by CASSCF and CASPT2 calculations
13th ICQC International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Helsinki (Finland), 22.06.2009 - 27.06.2009
16) D. Escudero, L. González
2H-Azirines: Quantum chemistry for excited states and non-adiabatic molecular dynamics
13th ICQC International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Helsinki (Finland), 22.06.2009 - 27.06.2009
15) D. Escudero, L. González
Photochemical properties of iridium and platinum complexes
Molecular Properties '09 - Bridging the Gap between Theory and Experiment. An ICQC 2009 Satellite Symposium, Oslo (Norway), 18.06.2009 - 21.06.2009
2008 |
14) T. Rozgonyi, L. González
Quantum-control of the dissociation of the CH2BrCl molecule: theoretical computations
Kvantumelektronika 2008, Budapest (Hungary), 17.10.2008
13) D. Escudero, S. Rau, L. González
Photochemical studies on Ru(II) polypyridyl complexes: towards the profit of sun light
6th Congress on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications (ESPA 2008), Palma (Spain), 02.10.2008 - 05.10.2008
12) D. Escudero, L. González
The performance of TD-DFT on organometallic complexes
XIVth European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Elba (Italy), 02.10.2008 - 06.10.2008
11) F. Feixas, A. Migani, L. Blancafort, V. Leyva, I. Corral, L. González
Mechanism of excited state intramolecular hydrogen transfer in ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde by ab initio methods
XXII IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Goteborg (Sweden), 28.07.2008 - 01.08.2008
10) V. Leyva, I. Corral, F. Feixas, A. Migani, L. Blancafort, L. González
A computational insight in the hydrogen transfer mechanism of the ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde
Computational Molecular Science Congress 2008, Cirencester/London (UK), 22.06.2008 - 25.06.2008
2007 |
9) V. Leyva, I. Corral, L. González
Hydrogen transfer in ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde. A theoretical study
XVII. International Conference ”Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research” and Graduate Student Research School on ”Hydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer”, St. Petersburg (Russia), 01.09.2007 - 08.09.2007
8) T. Rozgonyi, L. González
Control of the photodissociation of CH2BrCl
23rd International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP 2007), Cologne (Germany), 29.07.2007 - 03.08.2007
7) V. Leyva, I. Corral, L. González
Hydrogen transfer in ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde. A theoretical study
23rd International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP 2007), Cologne (Germany), 29.07.2007 - 03.08.2007
2005 |
6) T. Rozgonyi, L. González
A MS-CASPT2 study of the low-kying electronic states of CH2BrCl and its radicals
International Nanoscience Workshop, Karlsruhe (Germany), 23.01.2005 - 26.01.2005
2003 |
5) N. Elgobashi, L. González, J. Manz
Symmetry breaking and bond selective dissociation of aligned FHF- and FDF- using ultrashort IR+UV pulses
XVth Int. Conference on Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research, FU Berlin (Germany), 15.09.2003 - 20.09.2003
4) N. Elgobashi, L. González, J. Manz
Symmetry breaking and bond selective dissociation of FHF- and FDF- using impulsive IR+UV pulses
Comet XVIII Int. Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer, El Escorial (Spain), 15.06.2003 - 20.06.2003
2002 |
3) N. Elgobashi, L. González, J. Manz
Bond selective photodissociation of FHF- via impulsive IR and UV laser pulses
, Bad Honnef (Germany), 22.09.2002 - 29.09.2002
2) N. Elgobashi, L. González, J. Manz, M. Oppel
Selective vibrational excitations of molecular bonds via impulsive IR laser pulses
Gordon Research Conferences, Ventura/CAL (USA), 17.02.2002 - 22.02.2002
2001 |
1) T. Rozgonyi, L. González
Photochemistry of CH2ClBr: An MS-CASPT2 study
Femtochemistry Conference, Toledo (Spain), 02.09.2001 - 05.09.2001